AI Live Workshop

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In mid-November, a number of Year 11 students had the opportunity to do a live online chat with Artificial intelligence engineers. They covered topics ranging from what A-levels they needed to do in order to study the degree of their choice, to what they do in their daily routines at work and even their favourite food. It was a lively session. 

Students could see the conversations between their peers and engineers and turned it into a competition to see who could ask the smartest question. They then had the opportunity to evict engineers at the end of the session. 

'Participating in the "I'm an Engineer Get Me Out of Here" live chat was an eye opening experience. My assumptions were replaced with solid facts.  I was able to ask questions and what surprised me most was how much we were able to relate to the Engineers and how quite normal their lives could be. Although I may be quite bent on studying law, I'm now open to the idea of having a career as an Engineer if Law turns out not to be my destined path.  The live chat was also extremely fun and comfortable.  There were even one or two jokes exchanged.  Overall, I was ecstatic at being able to participate and I'm sure the others were as well.'  Peace Jolayeme, Headgirl