Performance Tables

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I am pleased to share further news about the successes of St Martin's students. Following yesterday's publication of the National Performance Tables, we have just had confirmation that progress for our Post 16 students ranks us 6th in Lambeth. As a result of some exceptional performance across key subjects, we are placed in the top 16% of schools and colleges nationally.

Students have also made significant strides in their GCSE performance with St Martin's climbing the ranks and placed at 8th in Lambeth. It has also now been confirmed that our GCSE progress has improved significantly.

We are confident that the investment we are jointly making in your child's education will secure further improvements and rapid progress, particularly in this summer's examinations. 

We look forward to sharing more news on our students' successes as we continue to strive to ensure excellence for all and becoming one of the top performing schools in Lambeth. 

Please continue to support us, and your child's journey to a successful career, as we deliver on our mission "Inspired to Learn, Ambitious for the Future". We do this within our Christian ethos underpinned by our school motto: Caritate et Disciplina - with love and learning. 

For more information on all schools and colleges in Lambeth, please click here.