Christmas Shoebox Appeal

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The Year 10 cohort have been working over the past 3 months on Operation Christmas Child, as part of the Samaritans Purse charity. Operation Christmas child helps to give some joy to children who are living in deprived parts of the world at Christmas who have little or no family around. 

The Year 10 student leaders presented an assembly to the year group about the project which, to succeed, would require everyone's help. Students first had to collect donated shoe boxes; once these were collected, they met up regularly during lunchtimes with Ms Grant to wrap the boxes in Christmas wrapping paper. Finally, the girls collected donated presents to fill the boxes and wrote Christmas cards for each box from the school. 

The boxes were packed and delivered to the drop off point on Saturday 18th November. The Year 10s worked tirelessly to complete all 30 boxes and they will now be sent off around the world to children who are less fortunate.