Prayers for the Middle East

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We ask for God’s Peace and Reconciliation 

God of Peace

Encourage those who seek to establish a fair and just peace in the Middle East. Bless their efforts as they work to end conflict. Lead those who engage in violence to put down their weapons and to live in peace with one another.  Especially at this time, we pray for all who suffer in the midst of renewed conflict and attack.  In particular we pray for children and young people caught up in terror beyond their understanding or control. 

We pray for those who have been killed, maimed, bereaved; those who have had their future torn away from them; those whose lives are bleak, lacking opportunity, mobility and hope. Spirit of the living God, Come afresh on your holy land. Help your people to restore broken relationships. Give them patience to break down barriers of suspicion and mistrust; ability to discern personal prejudices and the courage to overcome fear. Teach them to respect each other’s integrity and rights so that your kingdom may be established on earth.

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our peace and our hope.  
