New Uniform - the Result

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Thank you to all families, staff and students for supporting in the consultation to change St Martin's uniform. 

The idea to change the uniform was overwhelmingly positive and Governors are pleased that we are moving forward with this. In the vote for a black or grey blazer, grey was the most popular by far!

The letter sent to families via ParentMail (can also be seen on our website) outlines how students will be fitted for their uniform. Fitting will take place on Wednesday 26 April 2017 and as previously informed, as a result of this changeover, all students will be provided with one set of uniform. There will also be an opportunity to buy any additional items at an exceptionally discounted price. This offer lasts until 14 May 2017 after which prices will revert to full retail price. The full retail price of the new uniform is slighter cheaper than our current uniform.

We are all very excited about the change for September. Should you have any  questions or queries about this, please contact the school.