
Our services are central to the life of the school and are valued by all for the contribution they make to our Christian ethos.  Our services also have a positive impact on our students' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. At the beginning of the school year and  at the end of each term we have a whole school service at Holy Trinity Church. In addition we celebrate and serve others through our Harvest Festival.  Lent is also a special time for our community, marked by a daily Lent challenge and weekly reflections.

The following services are held during the school year and on special occasions:

  • Beginning of school year church service

  • St Martin's Day Eucharist church service

  • Christingle Service (in school)

  • A service of Nine Lessons and Carols

  • Ash Wednesday service held in school

  • Easter Eucharist church service

  • Founder's Day Eucharist Service at St Martin-in-the-Fields Church, Trafalgar Square, during the summer term or held at Holy Trinity

  • A church service is held at the end of each term

At Eucharist/Communion services, students are invited to receive communion if they usually do so in their own churches, alternatively students are invited to receive a blessing.

St Martin's Day Eucharist at St Martin-in-the-Fields church in Trafalgar Square, our founding church.