This page contains information on St Martin's provision for students with additional needs. Our SEND policy and report is updated annually to ensure that all the information remains current and accurate. Please click here to find Information about the Local Authority offer.
As a result of the 2014 Child and Families Bill which was passed through Parliament, there were changes to the provision of Special Educational Needs. Statutory Guidance from the Department for Education underwent significant reform. Changes include: Special Needs support and intervention, for those who are entitled, goes from the age of 0-25; Statements of Special Educational Needs no longer exist and have been replaced with EHC Plans (Education, Health and Care plans); categories previously used to identify students on the SEN Register School Action or School Action Plus have now been withdrawn. To see the SEN Code of Guidance, please click here.
The SENCO at St Martin's is Sandrine Jacquet who can be contacted at the school by emailing or calling 020 8674 5594. Please see our policy for details of the governor responsible for SEND. The Inclusion Department at St Martin's has a provision for those with Special Education Needs and also those who arrive at the school with English as an additional language or with an identified disability. COMPLAINTSConcerns about statutory assessments of Special Educational Needs should be raised with the Local Authority. St Martin's has a comprehensive complaints policy you can access it HERE. |