At St Martin's, our aim is to support students love of learning and them being ambitious for their future. We do this by providing our young people with the necessary skills and qualifications to allow many doors to be opened in the future, whether this be employment or higher education. We feel strongly that encouragement, commitment and hard work are the keys to success and alongside the schools ethos we adhere to our own 12 unique steps to success to empower each individual on doing their very best.
Our Sixth Form creates an environment that also ensures each individual is provided with opportunities to be leaders in our school community, whether this is through our enrichment programmes, being apart of the leadership team or coordinating sixth form social events.
Our experienced, committed Sixth Form team is not the only reason students choose to study with us, but for visible impact our smaller classes have on being able to provide an increased wealth of strong teacher-student relationship and the chance for all to be seen and heard.
We are proud to say St Martin's Sixth Form has: