You will receive remote access to learning activities in all your subject areas. You will need to join the individual subject groups to access your learning tasks using the codes that were given to you by your teachers. You can also get these codes here.
If you have a safeguarding concern please contact Mrs Wilson the Designated Safeguarding Lead on or Ms Baird, the Deputy Safeguarding Lead, on Alternatively, contact the school on 020 86745594
You are expected to follow your normal timetable. This structure will help you to plan your learning as you will require a strong level of responsibility and self discipline to learn in this way over what could be an extended period of time.
Your teacher will share the learning for each lesson in the google classroom. You are expected to complete the work and let the teacher know that it is complete so that it can be assessed.
If you are unable to complete the learning activity and need more help and guidance, contact your teacher via the google classroom. Share the learning so the teacher can see where you need help. If you need help, first make contact with your class teacher through the google classroom, or by email. You will find a list of staff emails here. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours (the teacher may be ill) please contact the school on 020 8674 5594 for further advice on what to do next.
You teachers will set learning activities through their dedicated google classroom and you can contact them through this classroom where they will comment on your work and answer any questions. If you need to email your teacher you need to do this between the hours of 8.15 am to 3.15 pm. You will receive a response within the time frame of 24 to 48 hours. Your teachers will be helping many students so please be patient as you wait for your response.
When you email your teacher, please write formally and explain exactly what guidance it is that you require. Below is how to set out your email message to your teacher.
End: Kind regards and your name
If you are worried about your online safety or wellbeing or that of another student, please follow the safeguarding procedure. Email your Progress Leader, contact a member of the school’s safeguarding team or contact the school. You should not be communicating through Google Classroom or via email with inappropriate comments, always use the internet safely and follow Nettiquette and E-Safety Rules as explained to you by Ms Williams.
Click on the link to get more information on about online safety Parents and carers