When school is closed we continue to commit to ensuring that your daughter will be able to learn and achieve as successfully as possible. We appreciate that this will be challenging for you and your daughter and our staff will do their utmost to support your daughter through remote learning. That being said, your daughter has her role to play too and should take a strong level of responsibility for her learning, complete the work that is set and communicate with her teachers. We will be providing remote learning through our Google Classroom learning platform.
Google Classroom enables teachers to create an online classroom area in which they can manage all the documents that their students need. Documents are stored on Google Drive and can be edited in Drive’s apps, such as Google Docs, Sheets and so on. But what separates Google Classroom from the regular Google Drive experience is the teacher/student interface, which Google designed for the way teachers and students think and work.
Google Classroom provides a teacher/student-friendly way of managing classroom documents. Here’s what can be done with Google Classroom:
Make assignments: Teachers can create learning activities and homework assignments for students. The necessary documents can be uploaded for the students to read or work on. Students receive email notification of new assignments. The students can submit work and assignments when finished, and these can be assessed.
Make announcements: A quick announcement for the entire class can be typed and sent by e-mail to all your students in the class.
Store classroom materials: Documents, videos and photographs can be stored on Google Classroom. These all help to support the learning.
Allow students to interact: Students have the ability to comment on their work and announcements, as well as e-mail each other through the Classroom interface.
Assessment: students can communicate with their teacher through Google Classroom. They can send work to their teacher and they can have an online discussion through the comment boxes.
Students can communicate with their teacher through Google Classroom. They can send work to their teacher and they can have an online discussion through the comment boxes. Your daughter will be given a specific time frame to complete the learning activities and to send complete work to her teacher for marking.
The beauty of Google Classroom is that it has the capability for ongoing dialogue to help and support with next steps to praise and to assess and record your daughter's learning.
We will provide some live lessons and expect all students to log in on time and follow the student etiquette associated with live stream lessons.
It is important that you try to keep your daughter to a strict routine. She should follow her normal timetable. This way she will be able to keep up with the set lessons and have the best possible positive and productive experience.
Your daughter will receive remote access to learning activities in all her subjects alongside a bespoke pastoral programme of support, guidance and prayer underpinned by our values of service, compassion, justice and perseverance.
If your daughter is experiencing difficulties with her learning, in the first instance, she should email her teacher or communicate via Google Classroom. Staff email addresses can be found here.
Work packs are available for students who do not have access to ICT facilities at home and you should contact the school if your child completes all the work that has been set and requires additional learning activities. The school number is 020 8674 5594.
Please be vigilant with online safety as your daughter is now going to be using this on a regular basis for the majority of her studies. There are a range of excellent websites with information for parents. Please visit:
Please only call the school in an emergency as we only have a skeleton staff on site daily. The school number to use is 020 8674 5594 or email stmartins@stmartins.academy
If you have a safeguarding concern please contact Mrs Wilson the Designated Safeguarding Lead on swilson@stamartins.academy or Ms Baird the Deputy Safeguarding Lead on dbaird@stmartins.academy or contact the school on 020 86745594