Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, St Martin’s school will be closed to students for an undefined length of time until further notice. The government has asked that schools remain open for a small group of students from the following categories:
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Our aim is to keep our core purpose of teaching and learning continuing as effectively as possible during these unprecedented times. We have put a whole school approach that will enable your child to learn either from home or at St Martin's should she be in the above categories.
We have organised off-site learning which is delivered via Google Classroom or via packs should students not have internet access at home. On-site learning for students in the key categories above is based at St Martin's and supervised by a small number of teachers. Students will with their learning via Google Classroom.
Your daughter will receive remote access to learning activities in all her subjects alongside a bespoke pastoral programme of support, guidance and prayer underpinned by our values of service, compassion, justice and perseverance. Prior to school closure, all students were retrained on how to access and use Google Classroom. Work packs have been made available for students who do not have access to ICT facilities at home.
Your daughter has access to the school’s remote system and will be able to view all the learning materials set by her teachers in all her subjects. She will also be able to communicate with her teachers through google classroom, and have her work assessed. Your daughter will need to join the individual subject groups to access her learning tasks using the codes that can be downloaded below.