Equality and Diversity

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” Galatians 3:28

As we grapple with issues of systematic inequality and racism, illuminated by the murder of George Floyd in USA, it has heightened the need by each one of us to act. 

We are a school with a rich, diverse staff and student body and within a caring community, we will continue to develop our curriculum to ensure that it is meaningful, relevant and more accurately reflects all of our contributions to society. We stand firm and united that racism has no place in our school or in the wider world. Racism in all of its visible and invisible manifestations must be challenged, and without reservation we express our commitment to anti-racism.  

Statements – while important – are not in themselves a sufficient response. We stand together, we will not be complacent, we will listen, learn and act.

We have compiled a list of resources for students, families and staff that might be helpful.  Click here to visit our latest news page and read our statement, We Stand Together - Black Lives Matter. 

Equality Information 2021-2022
Equality Objectives 2021-2025

Anti racist petitions

A way that you can express your views is through a petition. Here are three current petitions for change in the school curriculum:

  1. Teach British children about the realities of British Imperialism and Colonialism
  2. Make white privilege and systemic racism a compulsory part of the British education course
  3. Battle racism by updating GCSE reading lists

books to read

Charities and organisations working to end racism

Show Racism the Red Card – an anti-racism educational charity that uses workshops and training sessions, among other resources, to educate on and combat racism. To donate, click here.

Runnymede – a registered charity and think tank that aims to “challenge race inequality in Britain through research, network building, leading debate and policy engagement”. To donate, click here.

Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust – named after Stephen Lawrence, a black teenager who was murdered at the age of 18 in a racist attack in southeast London. The trust is an educational charity, which was created “to tackle inequality in all forms” and is committed to “transforming the life chances of young people and improving the world in which they live​”. To donate, click here.

Stand Against Racism and Inequality (SARI) – provides support for people who have suffered hate crime, including attacks that were racist, homophobic, transphobic and/or sexist. To donate, click here.

Kick It Out – an organisation in England that uses football in order to promote equality and inclusivity. To donate, click here.

Stop Hate UK – originating in 1995 following the murder of Stephen Lawrence, Stop Hate UK is an organisation committed to supporting people affected by all forms of hate crime across the UK. To donate, click here.

Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER) – based in Scotland, the Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER) is an initiative that is dedicated to combatting racial discrimination and harassment across the country. To donate, click here.

Discrimination Law Association (DLA) – works to improve equality law by bringing together a range of individuals, including discrimination law practitioners, policy experts and academics. To find out more, click here.

Race Equality First – for more than 40 years, Race Equality First has worked to raise awareness of and fight discrimination and hate crime in Scotland. To find out more, click here.

Black Lives Matter UK (UKBLM) – a coalition of Black liberation organisers across the UK. The organisation has set up a fundraiser on GoFundMe, with a target of £500,000. To donate, click here.

The Black Curriculum - a social enterprise founded in 2019 by young people to address the lack of Black British History in the UK curriculum. They believe that by delivering arts-focused Black history programmes, providing teacher training and campaigning through mobilising young people, they can facilitate social change, click here

The Anti Racist Educator - a collective of educational stakeholders (including students, teachers, parents, academics and activists) working toward building an education system that is equitable and free from racial injustice, click here.