Serving the homeless

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A number of our Sixth Form students prepared and served lunch at a homeless shelter running at Southcroft church in Streatham.  They also assisted the shelter with their needs on the day.  Students were moved and immensely reflective of their current blessings in comparison to many in their local community, glad to have lived out our school’s values of compassion and service in this context.

Courtney said, 'The experience has made me learn to honour those around us more than we actually do and to be grateful for the life that we have.'  Jordan reflected, 'It made me not only appreciate the things that I have, but realise there’s people who have way less than me that do not complain but enjoy life. Sometimes we complain about the small things.'  Maria added, 'It made me think that I can make a difference. Although it was a small thing it meant a lot to the people and it made me realise I can help others. I would like to go again.'  Finally, Hanaan said, 'I really enjoyed serving the food today. I enjoyed people’s smile lightening up and knowing that I’m able to be part of that.'

Our hosts were kind enough to write saying, 'Thank the girls for their great 'fund-raising' skills - think we should have enough shower gel to last us all of next year...They were absolutely brilliant again today. It's so great when young people take an interest in things that maybe you would not normally notice.'