On Sunday, the 8th of March, our school choir went on a trip to the St Martin-in-the-Fields Church in Trafalgar in the City of Westminster. It was for their annual Schools service. We were accompanied by Mr Beever, Mrs Moorey, our School Chaplain, and also by our Head Girl. On arrival, we were able to rehearse ‘‘Irish Blessing’’ which we then sang to the whole congregation during the service . Our Head Girl also did one of the Bible readings.
One of us was given the chance in the service to ask the Vicar a question. Towards the end of the service, one of us asked, ‘‘Is God a woman?’’. The Revd Sam Wells, the vicar of St Martin’s church, gave it some thought and suggested that as men and women are all made in God’s image, it was absolutely OK to think of God as female!
Nicole Apaw 7A