A warm welcome to St Martin’s. It is certainly good to be open again. The first week has started very well with fantastic attendance in all year groups. Our new way of working is certainly very different to what it was before. Students are in a base room for all of their lessons with little or no movement throughout the day unless they go for break or lunch.
We are reminding students everyday about their personal responsibility to maintain the hierarchy of controls, namely stringent hand washing and sanitising, respiratory hygiene, social distancing, where possible, not being face on with others and huddled in groups. It is very important students adhere to the rules for their safety, for the safety of the adults in the school and the wider community.
Below is important information from Lambeth Public Health Directorate about what to do if your child or a member of your household displays covid symptoms. Please read this information carefully and share it with your child so that they are also clear about the procedures.