Our journey through Advent began today with a whole school virtual Collective worship. Today we lit our first candle of Hope and said our Advent Prayer.
So much has changed, but what has not changed is the story and the meaning of Jesus’ birth. So as a St Martin’s Community we are celebrating Advent and the time of preparing for the coming of Jesus into the world.
We usually share chocolate Advent Calendars, this year we are doing a Reverse Advent where we are giving instead of getting. We are collecting our food gifts for the Norwood and Brixton Norwood Food Bank. Each day, until the end of term, members of St Martin’s community will bring in an item of food listed on our Reverse Advent Calendar. On the last day, we will also bring lots of Christmas themed goodies!. We are so glad that we can fulfil our school value of service to help others in need.
We are also preparing for Advent using the Church of England theme and resources for this year 'Comfort and Joy.
Thank you to the students in 7A who launched our 2020 Reverse Advent’ You can see the launch video below.