CLIC Sargent

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This morning, 10 February, we handed over a large cheque for the sum of £310 to Verity Gallagher, fundraising manager for CLIC Sargent.  In the Winter of 2016 two fellow students and I decided we wanted to raise money for this charity by setting up a festive market stall.  It took us a week to plan this and we came up with a business plan which we showed to Mrs Stanislaus and also to Jackie, a worker at Holy Trinity church.  They accepted our proposal and loaned us £50. This enabled us to buy and make Christmas inspired items for the stall.  We ran our stall for three days: at the Winter Gospel Concert and on the last two days of term.  We sold homemade cards and gift tags, pompoms, Christmas badges, baked good and chocolate sleighs.  At the end we were really happy that we had raised £310, thanks to the generosity of the students and staff. 

CLIC Sargent support children with cancer nationwide.  Find out more about them here.  Luna, Year 9 student.