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Lambeth School Games

The year 7 netball team took part in the Lambeth School Games competition on Wednesday. They were very nervous but played extremely well as a team. They lost 1, drew 2 and won 1 game, placing them 4th overall. The STAR of the day vote goes to Mariam in 7A. Well done girls!

Netball Superleague

Over the last 5 weeks KS3 students have taken part in the St. Martins Netball Superleague. The league consisted of 4 teams named after sporting values and played matches every week. The finals were played on Thursday, well done to all the girls who took part throughout the competition.

The results are as follows;

4th place - Determination

3rd place - Tenacity

2nd place - Respect

1st place - Commitment

Thank you to all the GCSE PE students . On behalf of all that took part in the super league, we also say a massive thank you to the GCSE PE students who managed the teams and umpired the matches and also helped and encouraged us to keep going and Miss Grant who made it possible to happen.

Upcoming events

In preparation for the sportshall athletics School Games Regional Qualifiers, athletics club will continue the first Monday back after half term. 

After half-term there will be a year 8 inter-house basketball competition, if you would like to take part please see your Head of House to sign up.