Remote learning will begin every morning with tutor time/registration and/or collective worship. Students are expected to be logged on and ready to begin at 8.50am.
Teachers have adapted the curriculum to make lessons in all subjects suitable for remote learning and our offer aims to ensure that students are able to continue their learning with the minimum of disruption.
Our remote learning is delivered through Google Classrooms and is accessible on any device. If you need support with the loan of a laptop/chrome book, please read the guidance for parents on our website on how we allocate devices that we have received from the government scheme or contact the school.
We have a mix of learning which enables students to access work through the google classroom or log on to live lessons. The live lessons give students the opportunity to see and interact with their teachers and their peers. Remote lessons will be the same length of time as they would be in school and all students are expected to attend. A register will be taken for each lesson.
Please click on the links below to view the remote learning timetables for each year group.