Every Monday lunchtime since the beginning of May, sixteen Year 8 students have been taking part in the BMX Outreach Programme. Organised by GSA, it takes place in the Brixton BMX track in Brockwell Park and offers an introduction to basic cycling competences as well as more advanced BMX specific skills. At the end of the programme in July 2019, qualifying riders are accredited with Level 1 Bikeability.
Mr Sauvajon, who is overseeing the programme, says ‘In the last 4 sessions, I have seen a massive boost of confidence from the students taking part. Most had never used a BMX before and they now can name all parts of the bikes, assess if their bike is safe to ride, complete basic tasks and they have now done portions of the BMX track with confidence.’
We have had really great feedback from our coach, Silvi, about the girls’ involvement and progress in the programme.